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LED Running Lights Circuit

Summary: This easy circuit complies 9 LED  attached like a “ knight rider scanner mode”. This circuit can employ in the front side of a car. It will present an eye catching look as the LED initially travel in the one way and then travel reverse in the similar direction. It means same as a pendulum it travels back and forth . This circuit can be utilized for the beautification of the car or it can be helpful at the time of crisis when your car broke down and you need help. Related Post: LED Christmas Lights Circuit Circuit Diagram of LED Knight Rider Circuit Diagram: LED Running Lights – LED Knight Rider Circuit Diagram Description: In order to get familiar with the working layout of the circuit it is important to get familiar with individual pin. This IC has 16 pins out of which 3 are input pin, 10 is for output purpose and for ground one pin is assigned and one power supply and rest one left is for Carry out. As shown below pin diagram of IC CD4017. ...
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Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Using Relays and LDR

Summary: Did you ever think that how the street lights automatically turn ON in the night and turn OFF automatically at morning? Is there any person who comes to ON/OFF these lights? The following circuit that described below which perform this job automatically. This circuit employed the output from an uncomplicated light/dark activated circuit and oblige a relay in its output which can be further attached to switch ON/OFF a street light and electrical application in a household also. Many of the people have a phobia of darkness, so to assist them in such situation, we have explained a simple circuit . It will automatically turn on street light in the way of LED’s or bulb coupled with relay, it is well enough to see the object nearby. This circuit is very much easy to work and also the battery power consumed by the circuit is very low because of the very few components used in the circuit. Also Read the Interesting Post: Automatic Plant Watering Syste...

FM Bugger Circuit

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Electronic Letter Box Project Circuit

The circuit which is explained below is been employed as an Electronic Letter Box. When letter drop by someone into the letter box then the LED attached at the output stops blinking which indicates that there is a letter in your letter box. To identify the presence of a letter in the box we have connected a LDR as well as source of light. LDR is a special kind of resistor whose action based on the intensity of light declining on it. In the time of total darkness LDR resistance is approx 1 mega ohm while at the time of bright light its resistance is 2-5 ohm. In this circuit the light source is adjusted with the LDR in such a way that the light will directly drop on the LDR so that when any letter comes inside the letter box it will chunk the light beam and LDR will be beneath darkness. Electronic Letter Box Circuit Diagram: Circuit Diagram of Electronic Letter Box Circuit Components : IC LM741 – 1 CD4001 – 1 Resistors R1(2.2M) – 1 R2(560K) – 1 R3,R4,R5(1K)...

Rain Alarm Project

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Motion Detector Circuit

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Metal Detector Circuit